A Heavy Day

Monday was Ruby's follow up appointment with the holistic doctor. She re-tested her and was pleased with the progress even though it's slow. We had to decrease some of the supplements she wanted her on due to restlessness and getting up 4-5 times/night. This was a huge change from sleeping 12-14 hours/night. She took a few more things out of her diet but then added a few as well. She added a few more supplements and wants to be more aggressive with the amounts we are giving her so we can get her gut healed. She said it could take up to a year!! The next visit is in 6 weeks. Today was the day we met with Ruby's genetics counselor and doctor. What we heard was not shocking news. It was something I thought of often, just chose not to dwell on it. First they told us Ruby has microcephaly. It's a big scary word that means "little head." Those of you that have met her are not surprised. The genetics team also came up with 5 different chromosomal concern...