
Showing posts from December, 2018

First Christmas

Merry Christmas!! Today is Ruby's first Christmas and the six month anniversary of our Gotcha-day. I cannot believe it has been six months since we first held this little angel in our arms. So much has happened in these past six months...God is so good!  Our first Christmas with Ruby was magical, of course. She was amazed by all the lights, decorations, ornaments and presents. She was not impressed by the big guy in the red suit, but not many two year olds are. She enjoyed putting ornaments on the tree and looking at all the sparkly ones. She became proficient at opening presents but appeared confused why there were so many to open before she could actually play with the toys. We traveled to Iowa for the weekend and stayed with Steve's sister, Jana and her family. Ruby loved spending time with her four cousins, aunt and uncle she doesn't get to see enough. Papa and Nene were there too! We all