First Christmas

Merry Christmas!!

Today is Ruby's first Christmas and the six month anniversary of our Gotcha-day. I cannot believe it has been six months since we first held this little angel in our arms. So much has happened in these past six months...God is so good!

 Our first Christmas with Ruby was magical, of course. She was amazed by all the lights, decorations, ornaments and presents. She was not impressed by the big guy in the red suit, but not many two year olds are. She enjoyed putting ornaments on the tree and looking at all the sparkly ones. She became proficient at opening presents but appeared confused why there were so many to open before she could actually play with the toys.

We traveled to Iowa for the weekend and stayed with Steve's sister, Jana and her family. Ruby loved spending time with her four cousins, aunt and uncle she doesn't get to see enough. Papa and Nene were there too! We all had a wonderful time and wished we could have stayed longer. 

Christmas Eve was spent in Kewaskum with my parents, brother and niece. We had a wonderful time and she had plenty more practice opening gifts there too. 

Christmas Day was spent at home with just the six of us. We started the day with more presents, took a long winters nap, played and ordered Chinese for dinner. This is going to be our new Christmas tradition. Of course this year Ruby was not able to eat any of the Chinese dinner from the restaurant, but I did make her turkey fried rice that she could have. 

Ruby's tummy continues to have good days and bad days. She loves to eat and will eat whatever we give her (which continues to be very limited) but she continues to have blowouts. Also, we have pretty much confirmed that her GI system gets very upset when we travel. She has had consistent diarrhea every time we have traveled. Our trip back from Iowa was not a clean one...and we'll leave it at that! Steve has put a travel ban on the Six O's until Ruby is potty trained! 😞

Ruby has become much more social and comfortable with others in the past month. She gives hugs and lets others hold her, but always keeps an eye out for mom or dad. She has become much more attached to me lately as well. Even when she is with dad she often cries for mom. I know that makes it hard for Steve at times, but I know the attachment is a good thing for her. 

She continues on her holistic path and we just trust and pray it's the right one. Ruby tolerates all her supplements well and we just need to be patient with the results. 

Ruby continues to get us up 2-5 times a night just to make sure we are still here. Once comforted she will typically fall back asleep within 15-30 minutes; but that does make for long nights and baggy eyes for Steve and I. 

Other than the sleep deprivation and diaper/blowout issues, Ruby is a very easy child. She becomes more sweet with every passing day. She loves to give hugs and kisses to all and when she bumps herself even the slightest, she goes to everyone in the room for a kiss on her owie. 

She has grown a bit and can now fit into some 6-9 month clothes but is still under 13 pounds. Her cheeks are fuller and her legs are thicker and she is becoming much stronger too. 

Jack, Elliana and Audrey continue to smother her with love and have taught her some pretty funny things. She is imitating faces, sounds and words more. She says about 20 words but understands quite well and continues to learn new sign language to communicate. 

As I look through my pictures to share with all of you, I come across one of my favorites from the day; Ruby sitting in her new chair from Santa. Her outfit says it all!!  I have had the privilege this year to be home with my family and I loved the feeling of not getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season. I have enjoyed shopping, putting money in the red bucket, sending cards,  wrapping presents, reading Christmas books with the kids, delivering presents to families in need, baking, caroling multiple times, and spending time with family and friends. In past years, some of these tasks would have caused stress because 'I just didn't have time.' Having the extra time this year really made me think about what is truly important in life. This is the 'best Christmas ever' because I am so blessed to have an amazing family that has been incredibly supportive to us. We are also blessed with so many wonderful friends who share their gifts and kindness with us. 

We say every year we want to enjoy this season and not get wrapped up in the craziness of it all. I know it is easier said than done. But this is what I will leave you with......
May you always stay blessed in life. May the peace and prosperity of Christ's birth bring you peace in your life today and always. Have a beautiful season and Merry Christmas!!

Janel, Steve, Jack, Elliana, Audrey and Ruby Olson


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