Looks Like We Made It!

WOW! We arrived in Beijing, China on June 21 and the time change threw us for a loop! Despite our fatigue, we spent several days exploring and experiencing the customs of Ruby's country. Our adventures included a lengthy hike from Tiananmen Square through the Forbidden City, a ride in a rickshaw through crowded city streets, as well as a trip up the Great Wall.

The intricacy of the designs on the buildings and statues here are amazing. We have found the Chinese people to be friendly and accommodating everywhere we go. Many people have asked to have their pictures taken with us fair complected Americans!

One of the best parts of the trip so far has been getting to know the other families from the U.S. we have travelled here with. Many have brought their children along as well. What a blessing to witness forever families and forever friendships being formed before our eyes!

As we write this, we take in the city lights of Nanning in Guangxi on the eve before we receive Meng Meng. We are anxious and excited to finally meet the little girl we have been praying for.

Peace and Blessin's,
The Olson Fam


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