Discharge Eve-Hopefully

Today was another good day. Ruby's job was to eat, drink and grow! She did just that and the scale worked in our favor today and she was a whopping 11 pounds 6 ounces. Yeah Ruby!!! We spent the day playing and for those that have met Ruby, she plays hard and probably burned off all the calories she ate!

We had another wonderful visit from friends Carrie and Megan, Papa and Nana Olson and Steve. She wasn't as fun for Papa, Nana and Daddy's visit because she was tired.

In rounds today, they said she could go home tomorrow if she continues to gain weight and drink. I told them she will and we WILL go home tomorrow. All the testing is done and we can work on growing at home. She will need to go home with the NG tube and I'm fine with that. Her goal is to drink 14 ounces of liquids/day and if she doesn't make it, I will need to supplement through the tube. Not too concerned about it. They are setting up home health to check on her and to have someone to call incase she pulls it out. Ruby has been through so many transitions in the past 3 weeks, I'm certain once we get settled into one spot (HOME) she will do better. Through all the transitions it amazes me that it hasn't dampened her spirits at all.

Ruby had another special visitor today. His name is Bear and he is a therapy dog. He is a beautiful golden retriever and so sweet but Ruby was not so sure of him. She held on tight and didn't care for his kiss on her foot.

Where's Waldo?? I mean, where's Ruby????

Since we ARE leaving tomorrow I had to pack up all our stuff and there was a lot of stuff!! Ruby helped me! She put herself in the bag as I think she is ready to go home! Perhaps she didn't want me to forget her.

We want to thank everyone for all your prayers and support through this challenging time. We did not expect to be in the hospital within 5 days of coming home but we are very blessed to have such a great facility so close to home. It really helped me to have visitors and I know Ruby loved it because she would always show off for our guests. Thank you again for all your love and support.....always.
We will continue to update the blog when something exciting happens (like she hits the 12 pound mark!!!)  God bless you all and good night!


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