HOME is a Beautiful Word

Ruby lost 5 ounces again but they still let us go; not that I was going to stay anyways, but it's nice to not have to leave against medical advice. I was very grateful that my mom came down to keep us company as the discharge takes forever! She helped feed and play with Ruby so I could pack up last minute items and get discharge information. I was also grateful for her help while I stopped at the pharmacy and with loading up all our stuff. I sent a lot home with Steve last night but somehow there still was a lot! Ruby waved at the nurses as we were leaving and waved at everyone in the skywalk as we left. It was pretty funny. We could read her mind, "I'm outta here!!!"

We are finally home and it feels sooooooooo good!! Ruby was very excited to have room to run and play! She did lots of exploring inside and out. And smiled more than I have ever seen.

Our game plan for Ruby is to love her, feed her and watch her grow. We will have to continue to give her liquids through the NG tube until she can drink more on her own. We will be trailing new foods with her but carefully as her digestive system is very delicate from the lack of nutrition for almost 2 years. Her genetic testing results take up to three months now as they ordered new testing before we left. She will be in physical, occupational and speech therapy beginning next week for fine tuning some sensory and motor issues as well as swallowing.

We want to sincerely thank all of our family and friends for all your love, support and prayers throughout this entire process. You have all been incredibly supportive and we are so grateful for every one of you. May God continue to bless you and your family as we have been blessed.

We love you!
Steve, Janel, Jack, Elliana, Audrey and our Little Roo


  1. Continuing to pray for you all! For strength (and pounds) to abound! Missing you and shouldering this hiccup with you!!


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