Hong Kong Kisses

Today was a big day! Ruby gave us kisses for the first time! At first we didn't think she understood what kisses were but now we think she knew all along; she was just not sure she wanted to share them with us. We have been kissing her like crazy since we received her and now she is returning the love.

We had another big travel day today. We took a van ride to Hong Kong (3 1/2 hours). They do not have car seats in this country so Ruby is a lapper everywhere we go. It's not much of a problem for shorter trips but when she gets tired she gets very squirrelly which makes it somewhat challenging to get her to sleep in a vehicle. She finally gave in and fell asleep in my arms for an hour of the trip. Of course Steve and I could not fall asleep due to the crazy driving and honking, but the other three children took naps too. Hong Kong is a beautiful city-from what we could see. We chose to stay at the hotel connected to the airport for convenience purposes with 4 children and now 8 suitcases.

We also ate at a restaurant in the airport (yeah American food!). Our other options had dead animals hanging in the front window of the restaurant. We opted against those restaurants. We had a nice dinner with very good friends we have been traveling with since the beginning. They adopted a beautiful little girl that was in the same orphanage as Ruby, so they are kind of like sisters! We are really going to miss them.

Ruby loves playing on the big beds but has been going to sleep nicely in the crib provided in the room. Three things this little peanut does well is eat, play and sleep! We have been trying a few different foods with her and notice some she can tolerate and some not so much. She can eat a lot more than her nannies told us to feed her, so we think she was probably underfed. They were feeding her bread, rice and congee (rice with extra water). Funny thing is now that we are feeding her different foods, she will not eat the congee. We are not pushing it as we are hoping for a smooth plane ride home tomorrow with no tummy issues.

Today is our last day in China and it is very bittersweet. We are all very excited to be coming home and bringing our sweet new addition with us, however we will miss all the wonderful families we have been living with for the past two weeks. Sharing an experience such as this with others is something so very special and we have made some wonderful bonds with so many of them. Our children have screamed together and we have cried together. Taking children from the only environment they have ever known is traumatic for the children and the parents. It has been wonderful spending these very important days/weeks with these beautiful families and we are looking forward to reuniting with them in the future. We will not say "Good bye," we will say, "Until we see you again," because we WILL!

Love you all!!!
The Six O's


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