Transitions are Tough

As I sit and reflect on all the changes our family has had in the past 3 months, I realize it is nothing compared to the changes that Ruby has endured in her two years of life. Tomorrow marks three months since we left for our trip to China. Three months ago we knew this transition would change our lives but words cannot describe how incredible the journey has been. Three months ago we left our busy lives to go half way across the world to finally meet the little girl we have been praying for long before she was even born.

Ruby was abandoned. She was left on the front steps of a government building, found by police, and taken to the orphanage. She was only three pounds and we were told by several people in China that it's a miracle she survived. "Three pound orphans in China do not survive." She spent several months at the orphanage and then was taken to a foster home. A few months later she got very sick and had to be in the hospital for over a month. Then she went back to the orphanage, a new foster home and then home with us. I'm not sure Ruby knows we are her forever family. What Ruby has come to know is someone takes care of her, then someone else, and then someone else.

Two weeks ago our kids went back to school. Ruby was so sad that it broke my heart. She would just sit and stare at me and would always want to be in arms. She did not want to play and wouldn't play, even with new toys. She would not do a thing at therapy and only sat in my lap. She would not talk/babble like she normally does. She would take 2 naps a day, most days totaling 4-5 hours, and sleep 12 hours at night. I thought maybe she didn't feel well but noticed that when the kids got home from school she would perk up and play and talk more. Two weeks of sadness was very difficult to see, but she is finally getting better and perhaps realizing they come home everyday. Her demeanor was exactly like it was when we first got her in China; lost and sad. This week she is much better and actually smiles for me during the day.

Ruby continues to amaze us every day. (I'm certain I say that in every post but it's true!) She continues to understand English more every day and she is communicating with us through words and gestures. Ruby has really taken a shine to music (which is great in this family as we are always singing and dancing and playing piano, drums and ukulele.) Ruby has her own dance that we call the 'Ruby dance.' She turns and twists her hands in the air any time she hears music or when she wants to listen to music. Ruby also loves to help empty the dishwasher and load the dryer with wet clothes. Whenever she hears the word "stinky" she runs to her room and gets a diaper and the changing pad.

She continues to do well in therapy (minus the past 2 weeks which were not good). She likes to challenge herself with lifting things heavier than her. We are working on the tasks at home too and I do see a lot of improvements.

I took Ruby to see a holistic doctor a few weeks ago (got in early due to a cancellation). She is very confident that she can fix Ruby's intestinal problems. She said she cannot diagnose because she is not an MD, but feels Ruby has 'leaky gut syndrome'. She put her on a very restrictive diet of all organic chicken, turkey, beef, vegetables, oats, almond butter and almond milk. She has to have enzymes on all her food, colostrum, vitamins and minerals. She had a few other items in her plan (milk thistle, intestinal cleanse) but they were causing diarrhea so we discontinued them at this time. She said her liver is not ready for them yet. With changing her diet and adding these supplements, Ruby has had very few episodes of diarrhea. This is a HUGE difference from before as it was often a daily occurrence; often multiple times daily. She said this will help heal her gut and then we can introduce other foods into her diet. Not sure how long the healing process takes but we are very pleased with the progress so far. She has not gained weight yet but we will continue to work on that. She remains right around 11 pounds 5 ounces.

Throughout this difficult transition, we have decided that she has been through so much loss and transition that I have changed my position at work to PRN (as needed) and not go back full time. Ruby needs consistency in her life and she needs to know that we are NOT going to leave her. Every minute with her I am reassured that we made the right decision.... all the other details will be worked out. We know this is God's plan and He will provide.

Hope you are all doing well and thank you for sharing in our journey.

The Olson Six 😊


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