Happy Thanksgiving

"Dear God, I am so thankful for everyone who has loved me. Amen"

This time of year reminds us to reflect on all the things to be thankful for. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could think this way year round?

Ruby is doing great! She continues to be more comfortable with us and others as they come to the house. She enjoys therapy more and going to stores to see the big world out there. A trip to the store with Ruby is never quick as so many curious people stop and ask me about her story. I never tire of talking about her and she never minds saying"Hi" to the new faces!

Last week Ruby had her first sickness. Yucky congestion which lead into an ear infection. She is on the mend and we are seeing smiles again.

Ruby had her appointment with the holistic doctor again this week. She is very pleased with the progress in her leaky gut. She has added a few more foods she can eat and took a few away. Ruby will eat anything you give her and likes to eat often so having more variety is great!

Family Pictures by GLS Images

As I reflect on the year and all the changes that have occurred in my life, I am reminded that there is a greater plan already in place and I am so blessed to be living it. I am thankful for having God in my heart and knowing He is the reason I am here. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who supports me through everything, even my crazy ideas! I am thankful for our beautiful children who have taught us so much and lead our hearts to adopt.

We are blessed with amazing family and friends who have been a huge support to us throughout this journey. From the day we told them we were adopting, through the long years of waiting, to the excitement they shared when we told them we were matched with this sweet girl. Through baby showers thrown, financial gifts given, prayers covering us during our travels, meals prepared, and the challenges faced when we returned home......we are just so blessed! Never once did I feel alone. Even during the very rough times when we were in the hospital, each day family or friends would come visit us.

So this Thanksgiving I would like all of you to know how very grateful I am for every one of you. I pray that you all have a happy heart and find joy in the season and know that you are making a difference in our lives.

Our Thanksgiving feast weighs 6 pounds more than our two year old!

Along my journey I have learned that the more thankful I am, the more I have to be thankful for.

The Olson Five

The Olson Six

Love and Thanksgiving to all!!
Steve, Janel, Jack, Elliana, Audrey, and little Roo


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