A Random Act of Kindness

I hope this post finds all of you healthy and happy. We have been very blessed not to have gotten any of the yucky stuff going around....yet. 😊

Today was a another special day that I will put in my remembrance book (for all you Little House on the Prairie fans!) Today is the 25th anniversary of Steve and my first date so he decided we should go out to eat (and I gladly approved!) We took Audrey and Ruby to Chili's as Jack and Elliana were at rehearsal all night for their upcoming musical. We were seated and I immediately noticed an older couple, probably in their late 70's early 80's sitting 3 booths away in my view, not Steve's. Their interactions with each other was nothing short of beautiful. They conversed the entire time with excitement, lots of smiles and laughter and truly seemed to enjoy each others company. When they got up to leave the gentleman said to her as she was reaching for her coat, "Let me get that for you" and proceeded to put her coat on for her. It was so sweet and refreshing to see a couple truly admire each other-especially at that age. It touched me greatly. After they left which was about halfway through our meal, I told Steve about my observations and how sweet it was to witness their love for each other.  After we were done eating I asked for the bill and our waitress said, "The older couple sitting over there paid for your meal so you are all set." My emotions overcame me (which is not surprising) and began crying. I didn't even know what to say. I only wish I could have thanked them. Now we will never know the reason why they chose our table to buy dinner for but this is a perfect example of Gods hands working in lives. Their random act of kindness touched us so greatly, showed an example to Audrey, perhaps touched the waitress, and maybe the other tables around us when I began crying. We have done several random acts of kindness through the years and the feeling we get when we do them is indescribable. We pray that our children have learned from those experiences and continue to learn how giving to others is such a wonderful feeling inside. 

So Ruby watched me as I cried. The last time she saw me cry was the morning of her genetics appointment when we were given her diagnosis. Remember the beautiful oatmeal smile? At bedtime, Ruby enjoys a short rocking and reaches for her crib saying, "Ni-Ni" (night-night). Tonight she did not want to go in her crib and she repeatedly reached for the rocking chair. When I sing to her she always puts her head on my chest, I believe she likes the vibration or sound. After about ten lullabies she had fallen asleep in my arms which has not happened since being in the hospital. She would much rather fall asleep in her bed. But tonight I feel like she sensed with me crying I needed a little extra loving. So I rocked my sleeping baby for an hour before putting her down. A child that has been in so many different environments and with so many different caregivers in the first two years of her life can communicate her empathy through her actions and love. Just amazing.....

Ruby continues to thrive and learn so quickly. She is about 13 pounds now and speaks about 25 words as well as using sign language to communicate. Her assessment with the therapists today put her at about the 12 month level for expressive language and 20-24 months for receptive language (what she understands). She continues to become more social and really enjoys going places where there are people. 

Ruby did not mind getting all bundled up to play in the snow, but did NOT like the snow one bit!! We tried several times and she expressed her disapproval each time. 

Our visit with the holistic doctor a few weeks ago resulted in her removing several foods from her diet and adding her first fruit! BANANA'S. This was Ruby's first banana, even before we left the store. 

Thank you to everyone who continue to share in our journey. We continue to be very blessed on the good days and the tough days (which are getting fewer). May your days be blessed as well.

My Darling
It's not where you come
from, it's where you
belong. There's nothing
I would trade, I wouldn't
have it any other way.
You're surrounded by
love and you're wanted, so 
never feel alone. You
are home with me right where
you belong.


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