Three Years Old

Today, on Ruby’s birthday, I am teary eyed about the other woman who also remembers that today, 3 years ago, she gave life to a child that is now calling me “Mommy.”

Ruby is three years old today. As the family gathered ‘round to celebrate her, I couldn't help but take a moment to reflect on how amazing this precious child is. A baby that was abandoned only days old, at 3 pounds and placed in several different environments for two years…..breaks my heart to think of her hardships and trauma. 

But as Audrey says Grace before dinner, I gaze at all the love this little girl has and will have for years to come. She will always be loved here, but what is truly amazing to me is the amount of love she gives others. Ruby is so full of joy and it is wonderful to finally see her being comfortable and truly happy. She smiles when smiled at, laughs when things are silly, and shows emotion when others are sad. I love how she is starting to say, “cheese” when she sees the camera on her. She is beginning to express her wants, with the most adorable little “no” when she wants something else. She is learning so fast and beginning to pretend play. 

Ruby will be attending school this year. She will be going 2 days/week for 2 1/2 hours each day in a special education classroom. She loves to play with other children so I think she will love it. Her new therapists are already making plans to modify her environment so she can be as independent as possible. I’m certain she will do much better than me. :)

A few weeks ago we got to spend several days with the families we traveled to China with. It was so wonderful to see all the little kids with their families and how they have all grown over the past year (physically, socially and emotionally). They all have their challenges as well but it was good to talk with them, share difficulties, and praise gains together. Several tears were shed over daily challenges, tough decisions and saying good-bye at the end of the weekend. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful China Family. Looking forward to next year!

We spent last week camping at Fort Wilderness (this was our 10th year in a row). We were able to reconnect with families we’ve met over the years and meet new ones too. Everyone was fascinated by Ruby and her abilities for her size. She continues to amaze us every day. We were also able to spend the week with some family and friends too, which is always wonderful. 

Thank you for following Ruby’s story. Our lives have been changed forever and we are so grateful to God for placing her in our arms and hearts. 

Love you!

Janel and family


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