First Day of School

Today we sent our little Roo off to school. She will be attending Lowell Elementary School in Waukesha two days a week for 2 1/2 hours a day. She is in a special education classroom where she will receive all her therapies as well. She goes Mondays and Fridays and there are only three other kids in the class. Ruby was quiet today and would not smile for us but she handled day one like a champ! When the teacher bent down and asked Ruby if she was ready to go and play, Ruby held her arms up to go with the teacher. She did not cry at all, and surprisingly neither did I. Ruby truly enjoys being with other children and I knew she would love school.

Another reason I am very excited about her attending this program is they are all very excited to modify things to best fit Ruby. When we arrived, they already had her coat hanger moved down so she could reach it.

Her teacher Ms. Heather, and aide Ms. Alyson were so wonderful and welcoming to her. They certainly made drop off very easy for Ruby and me! At pick up they said Ruby was a perfect listener, loved to play and enjoyed everything! She waved good-bye to her new friends and blew kisses to the teachers.

This post is short and sweet today.......just like Ruby.  ðŸ˜Š



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