National Adoption Month

November is National Adoption Month. It is a special time to reflect on the beauty of adoption. Our family has been blessed to be able to adopt Ruby and we are so grateful for everyone's love and prayers. 

Pictures of Ruby from every November of her life.

Ruby continues to grow her personality and emotionally. She attends school two days a week for 2 1/2 hours each day and absolutely loves it. Her teachers are amazing and she has really made some nice friends with classmates. She has begun talking (finally, says the speech therapist mom!). She is repeating a lot of words and beginning to say single words for communication. She is laughing more and has even learned a fake laugh when others are laughing. 

She continues to bring such joy to our family. Thank you everyone for supporting us on this beautiful journey. 

Ruby's first school picture (3K)

Love to you!!


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