Gotcha Day (second year)



I cannot believe it has already been two years since I first held your sweet little body in my arms. I will never forget how frightened, but brave you were to be handed over to complete strangers. I will never forget how nervous I was to meet you; praying that you would love me as your mommy. I will never forget how clean you smelled that day, and how soft your thin hair was. I will never forget how you fell asleep in my arms that first night and how hard I prayed that you will always feel completely loved and that you belong here forever. 

You have grown so much in these past two years. Your personality is really shining through and we love the new things you come up with every day! You are talking so much more and get excited to learn anything new. Your smile lights up a room and your little giggle turns every head. When I hear you laugh, I stop what I am doing just to listen. 

I love how you play with your brother and sisters. I love how you say their names. I love how you get so excited to get a snack. I love how you stroke your daddy’s face. I love hearing your little footsteps when you run through the house looking for me. I love how you look me in the eyes and call me “Mommy.” There is no better sound to this heart. God has blessed me to be your mommy and that is a great privilege. 

These two years have gone by so fast and it’s amazing to me how far the Lord has carried us from our very first “Yes” to today. We are so grateful you are a part of us and cannot wait to see where this next year takes you! We love you so much our sweet little Roo.


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